Looking for WebAfrica contact details? Struggling to get hold of WebAfrica call centre?
“contact-us” business directory provides you quick and easy access to WebAfrica contact details and WebAfrica call centre.
For your convenience, “contact-us” business directory uses a virtual phone number to transfer your call directly to WebAfrica call center. (call will be charged at R2.85 per minute)
Please note that “contact-us” business directory does not represent or relate to WebAfrica.
“contact-us” business directory will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services provided by WebAfrica.
For more information about our service please read our disclaimer and terms of service at the bottom of the page.
WebAfrica Overview
WebAfrica is your one-stop web shop. In a nutshell, they bring us to the web and the web to us. It was because from world-class internet (ADSL and VDSL, business and home, prepaid and post) to easy hosting and water-tight security, everything they do is characterized by excellent service and Mzansi-friendly prices.
When it comes to the web, they’ve got us covered with ADSL a speedy and VDSLs even faster (up to 40Mbps!). There’s even a prepaid ADSL option for those pay-as-you-go fans. Plus, if you’re looking for help getting your Telkom line set up or want to move your website hosting to them, they can sort those details out for you too. They’ll even pre-configure and ship your router to you.
On the hosting front they’ve got easy, flexible cloud-based VPS (Virtual Private Servers) as well as shared and private options; each is available in a suite of packages designed to suit your needs. They also have an innovative Virtual ISP programme means that sharing the WebAfrica love – and success – has never been easier.
Online should be easy: that’s why we keep things simple with contract-free connections, excellent support and user-friendly tools all the way.
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