mweb contact details


Looking for MWEB contact details? Struggling to get hold of MWEB call centre?

“contact-us” business directory provides you quick and easy access to MWEB contact details and call centre.

For your convenience, “contact-us” business directory uses a virtual phone number to transfer your call directly to the MWEB call center. (call will be charged at R2.85 per minute)

Please note that “contact-us” business directory does not represent or relate to MWEB.

“contact-us” business directory will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services provided by MWEB.

For more information about our service please read our disclaimer and terms of service at the bottom of the page.

MWEB Overview

MWEB is known to be the second largest Internet Service Provider in South Africa. It offers a range of internet access offerings, differentiated tools and services to approximately 320 000 customer. The company comprises three main divisions: MWEB Connect, which is focused on the Residential and Small business market, MWEB Business which offers products and services for medium and large businesses to integrate their IT infrastructure and business processes with the Internet, and MWEB WiFi, a new division providing high-speed Uncapped WiFi in public areas for consumers and businesses. MWEB also launched dial-up internet in South Africa with the Big Black Box in 1997.

MWEB is owned by Multichoice South Africa, a subsidiary of JSE-listed Naspers media group. The ISP operates nationally, with its headquarters in Cape Town and offices in the cities of Johannesburg and Durban. The company has five retail stores in South Africa, in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, and Durban.


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