Edgars contact details


Looking for Edgars contact details? Struggling to get hold of Edgars call centre?

“contact-us” business directory provides you quick and easy access to Edgars contact details and call centre.

For your convenience, “contact-us” business directory uses a virtual phone number to transfer your call directly to the Edgars call center. (call will be charged at R2.85 per minute)

Please note that “contact-us” business directory does not represent or relate to Edgars.

“contact-us” business directory will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services provided by Edgars.

For more information about our service please read our disclaimer and terms of service at the bottom of the page.

Edgars Overview

Edgars is a national department store serving middle and upper income families of southern Africa with value priced essentials, bona fide national and international brands and appropriate fashion. It aims to be the retail service leader in clothing, footwear, textiles, accessories and cosmetics. Edgars is a dominant force in every community it serves. The chain offers clear value to customers on price, quality and being in stock of the most wanted products.

Edgars also offers a wide choice of payment options with its different account types. These include the Edgars Thank U Account card and the Edgars Thank U cash card, both of which earn the customer loyalty points. All other Edcon Thank U cards, as well as all major bank cards, are also welcome in Edgars.

In addition to the main Edgars retail brand, the chain incorporates a number of stand-alone specialty stores bearing the Edgars identification including Red Square (cosmetics) and Accessoreyes (sunglasses). These stores are also housed within selected Edgars stores.

Edgars also markets a select range of financial products. For this purpose Edgars is a representative of Hollard Life Assurance Company Ltd and The Hollard Insurance Company Ltd, both of which are licensed Financial Services Providers.


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