MTN contact details


Looking for MTN contact details? Struggling to get hold of MTN customer care?

“contact-us” business directory provides you quick and easy access to MTN contact details and MTN customer care.

For your convenience, “contact-us” business directory uses a virtual phone number to transfer your call directly to the MTN call center. (call will be charged at R2.85 per minute)

Please note that “contact-us” business directory does not represent or relate to MTN.

“contact-us” business directory will not be responsible for the actual content and/or services and/or the quality of services provided by MTN.

For more information about our service please read our disclaimer and terms of service at the bottom of the page.

MTN Overview

MTN is formerly known as M-Cell, is a global communications partner and world-class cellular network based in South Africa.It is a multinational mobile telecommunications company, operating in many African, European and Middle Eastern countries. Its head office is in Johannesburg.

As a major telecommunications company, MTN is focused on the African continent. The company believes that through access to communication, comes economic empowerment.

MTN is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) under the share code MTN and enjoys approximately 37% of market share in South Africa. The company provides voice, data and telemetry offerings and solutions to its 20 million customers in South Africa.


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